Alcohol and Beverage Code
101.63 Selling to a Habitual Drunkard or Intoxicated or Insane Person
106.15 Inducing a minor (younger than 18) to dance with another in exchange for a benefit of alcoholic beverage permittee
Election Code
66.060 Relinquishing custody of key for Ballot Box No. 3
162.014 Participating in 2 conventions or primaries in the same year
Finance Code
59.002 Slandering or libeling a bank
89.101 Slandering a savings and loan
Government Code
3101.010 Thrashing Pecans
Health and Safety Code
146.0124 Body piercing an intoxicated person
146.0125 Body piercing a minor without parental consent
146.0126 Tongue splitting
365.016 Disposing of litter in a cave
463.001 Contributing to the delinquency of habitual drunkard
822.045 Failing to register a dangerous dog
826.034 Failing to register a dog or cat
Natural Resources Code
201.011 Defacing a public cave without a permit
201.042 Unauthorized sale of speleothems
Parks and Wildlife Code
49.002 Capturing raptors without a permit
63.103 Selling or possessing a live Armadillo
66.004 Taking fish by electric shock
66.008 Fishing from a bridge
66.011 Leaving fish to die
76.107 Selling sport oysters
Vernon's Statutues
9010 Peddling of printed material by deaf or mute people
9007 Selling of merchandise made by convicts or prisoners
Of course, there are more. With the legislature nearly upon us, expect a few more laws to make the hit parade. I can't wait.