Note: While we are awaiting the final touches to the epic Ray Espersen interview, here is some overdue applause to some of the notable players in our courthouse(s). The following were chosen unanimously by the committee:
Most Unexpected Jury Verdict- Jeremiah Williams [Sablatura and Williams]
While his client pled guilty to 27 counts of Possession of Child Pornography, the jury saw fit to give him 2 years TDC and probated the remaining 26 counts (Williamson County).
Workhorse of the Year- Robert Smith [Law Office of David Chambers]
The man is everywhere in both Travis and Williamson Counties. He's in all District and County Courts, everyday, every week, all year, sometimes at the same time. He waits for the doors to open and is the last man out. He takes no vacations and no prisoners.
Best Dressed List (Men) - Chris Baugh [Travis County District Attorney], Brad Urrutia [Law Office of Brad Urrutia], Novert Morales [Morales and Alderete], Todd Dudley [Law Office of Todd Dudley], Russ Sablatura [Sablatura and Williams], Jim Sawyer [Law Office of Jim Sawyer], Marc Ranc [Hines, Ranc, and Holub], Lucio Del Toro [Law Office of Lucio Del Toro], Geoffrey Puryear [Travis County District Attorney], Jeff Peek [Peek & Toland], Kyle Lowe [The Law Office of Kyle Lowe]. Women to come later.
Best Name for a Defense Lawyer - Curtis Woodcock [Law office of Curtis Woodcock], Lucio Del Toro (repeat winner) [Law Office of Lucio Del Toro], Rhett Braniff (repeat) [Braniff and Tillman] Ryan Deck [Law Office of Ryan Deck] Amber Vasquez-Bode [Law office of Amber Vasquez-Bode].
Del Valle Visitation Award - Charles Popper [Law Office of Charles Popper]
Charles Popper spends every spare moment talking to clients at the Del Valle Correctional Complex. He holds their hand and feels their pain. He is a man who socializes with the down and out. Kudos.
Since my last post some time ago, I've had 4 serious jury trials in the last four months. December (Murder), January (Habitual Agg Assault), February (Agg Assault x 2), and March (Habitual DWI). I am now set for three more in the next three months (Super Aggravated Sexual Assault of a Child x 2, Habitual Family Violence, and Habitual DWI). Each one of these past trials was a learning experience in different ways, worthy of a seminar. While I feel I should update this more often, time has been devoted to other causes lately, as you might understand. When time permits, I hope to share my collective experience with you in the future. Trial Dogs soon! Until then, ONWARD!